About me...

I have been taking photographs since I was around 8 or 9 years old. I am member of both Edinburgh Photographic Society (EPS) and Midlothian Camera Club. I used to chase distictions and I accumulated salon acceptances, resulting in being awarded Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society (FRPS) in 2012; I also went as far as the the EFIAP silver level in 2015 before becoming bored with the paperwork and log-keeping involved. At my last count I had close to 2000 acceptances and over 150 awards in international exhibitions and salons.
Nowadays I am content to enter the occasional print salon, such as Edinburgh and London while the rest of my images are just to please myself, rather than impress judges and selectors.
I am a Scottish Photographic Federation judge and lecturer, and give talks to camera clubs but recently decided to present all my talks by Zoom only.
This, paradoxically, can make "visiting" camera clubs easier, as all lecturers and judges have to do is wait to be invited on line to a club, and then to show what is on your screen. Get in touch if you want a talk. I am ready and willing!
Currently I have four talks that are available to camera clubs and these are listed on the Lectures page.
My photographic interests are mainly people, (candids and street photography) abstracts and still life. Recently I bought an infrared-modified camera and have dabbled a bit in this technique with some unexpected resuls. My favourite format is mono print work. Indeed, to my astonishment, I was listed as 4th in 2016 by the PSA (Photographic Society of America) in the Top Exhibitors of Large Monochrome prints.